Utterly disappointing. It starts off entertaining and so aware of itself, in an almost Arrested Development kind of way, and then it's just a steady downhill incline through to the end of the book. It's like Eggers wanted to write a book that was proclaiming his own exceptionalism, before he was anything exceptional. I suppose there's an interesting paradox there and it paid off well for him... and maybe, as a high-schooler, I would've thought this book was AMAZING, OMFG, XOXO, READ IT EVERYONE.Instead, as a far more refined 23-year-old, I'm thoroughly nonplussed. I expect more from the books I read, plain and simple. I have enough pretentiousness in my own life - I don't want to read about someone even worse about it than me.More anon: http://wp.me/pGVzJ-iK