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Raging Biblioholism

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running

What I Talk About When I Talk About Running - Haruki Murakami, Philip Gabriel My first crack at Murakami and a well-worth it one at that. It's part memoir, part essay collection, part reflection on writing - and genuinely a lovely smile of a book. The writing is smart and funny and incredibly eloquent, talking about a subject that might seem boring as hell (lots of people don't like running - I happen to enjoy it, myself) but quickly you realize that running is only the gateway for Murakami to talk about all kinds of things: the human body, aging, music, relationships, and writing. It's a quaint little memoir, one with some words of wisdom and some terrific anecdotes... and mostly it makes me just want to go for a run. So, if you'll excuse me....(you can read more at RB: http://wp.me/pGVzJ-qt)